How Much Does it Cost to Form an LLC in Massachusetts?


If you are considering starting a business in Massachusetts, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is what type of business entity you want to form. Many entrepreneurs opt for a Limited Liability Company (LLC) due to its flexibility and liability protection benefits. Yet, before kickstarting the process of forming an LLC in Massachusetts, it's important to understand the costs involved. This article will outline the expenses associated with forming and maintaining an LLC in Massachusetts, providing you with a better grasp of the financial commitments involved.

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Formation Costs for an LLC in Massachusetts

When it comes to forming an LLC in Massachusetts, there are several costs that you will need to consider. Here is a breakdown of the formation expenses:

1. Filing the Certificate of Organization

The first step to forming an LLC in Massachusetts is to file a Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The filing fee for the Certificate of Organization is $500. It's important to note that this fee is subject to change, so it's always a good idea to verify the latest fee on the Secretary of the Commonwealth's official website.

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2. Expedited Processing Fee (Optional)

If you wish to expedite the processing time for your LLC formation, Massachusetts offers an expedited processing service for an additional fee. The expedited processing fee is $20, in addition to the regular filing fee.

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3. Legal and Professional Fees

While not mandatory, you may want to consider seeking legal advice or consultation from professionals to ensure that your LLC documents conform to Massachusetts laws and regulations. This can come with additional costs ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the complexity of your LLC formation.

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Additional Requirements and Costs for an LLC

Once your LLC is formed, there are a few ongoing costs and requirements that you should be aware of:

1. Annual Report Fee

To maintain an LLC in good standing in Massachusetts, you are required to file an Annual Report each year. The fee for filing the Annual Report is $500. This fee is also subject to change, so it's crucial to verify the latest fee on the Secretary of the Commonwealth's official website.

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2. Registered Agent Fee

As part of forming an LLC, you are required to designate a registered agent in Massachusetts. A registered agent is responsible for receiving legal documents and official correspondence on behalf of the LLC. While you can act as your own registered agent, many LLC owners prefer to hire a professional registered agent service. The cost of a registered agent service typically ranges from $100 to $300 annually.

3. Other Miscellaneous Costs

Apart from the mandatory fees, there may be other miscellaneous costs associated with running an LLC in Massachusetts. These can include operating agreements, insurance costs, licenses, permits, and any industry-specific requirements. The additional expenses will ultimately depend on the nature of your business and its specific needs.


Forming an LLC in Massachusetts comes with specific costs that entrepreneurs must consider. The initial formation costs, including filing the Certificate of Organization and legal fees, as well as annual expenses like the Annual Report fee and registered agent fee, can add up. On top of that, industry-specific requirements and ongoing expenses may vary, further impacting the total cost of maintaining your LLC.

Before embarking on the process of forming an LLC in Massachusetts, it's crucial to assess your financial capabilities and estimate the costs involved. Conducting thorough research and consulting professionals in the field can help you make an informed decision and budget wisely for the expenses that come with starting and maintaining an LLC in Massachusetts. Remember, while costs are an important factor, the benefits of forming an LLC often outweigh the financial commitments, particularly in terms of personal liability protection and flexibility in business operations.

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